Peace is better than war, yes.
What is doing the right thing and how will it prevent more deaths? I keep saying this but people clearly aren't paying attention:
- Ukraine cannot defeat Russia. It has shown that it can only slowly lose a grinding conflict, even with all the help they've been provided with.
- When the west tried to support a "counter offensive" hoping that they could concentrate Ukrainian forces with advanced western equipment and training and punch a hole through the weakest part of the Russian line, they literally bounced off and then lost some of the most significant ground in the war in the chaotic aftermath.
- The billions of $ in aid and geopolitical instability is hurting all of us and the poorest are being hit hardest with inflation.
- Western government's are unwilling to directly intervene militarily and therefore continuing to arm and support Ukraine to keep them in the fight longer is a futile gesture, that prolongs the conflict, the destruction, the killing and the threat to global security for zero tangible benefit.
And Trump, whatever his motivations, or what you think about him, is the only person in power on this planet that is talking sensibly about this situation.