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Politics, politics, politics

This guy seems bonkers

I know people might underplay the importance of appearance but I actually think its massive in politics. You have to believe who your being talk to by, I know Ed fell short on a number of things but he also failed hugely on not being a leader of men, which is what this guy fails on, something Blair and Cameron nail every time.

Labour have made a very very bad move here

I agree - but it does blow some of the parliamentary cobwebs away, which is long overdue, and keep us all amused for a few months and upsets Nicola Sturgeon big time :). Jeremy wont last too long, bless him.

Cameron is known as "the event's organiser" by his backbenchers, leader of men, I think not, Dave "Ozzie" Osborn will be leader before the end of this parliament. Cameron is leader because he is ok in front of the cameras, does as hes told, went to the right schools, has a pretty wife and a trust fund. Chosen by the Tory hierarchy.
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Cameron is leader because he is ok in front of the cameras, does as hes told, went to the right schools, has a pretty wife and a trust fund.

That's kind of what I was aiming at.

Ed lost me in the last election, first time not to vote for Labour, why? Because he was an utter wreck in front of camera and I just couldn't believe in what he was selling.
That's kind of what I was aiming at.

Ed lost me in the last election, first time not to vote for Labour, why? Because he was an utter wreck in front of camera and I just couldn't believe in what he was selling.

My thoughts are is that a politician need to be more than just good in front of the camera! Or we end up Trump, Boris and Farage. It could be a hair thing!

I'm a big Gordon Brown fan. Tony was good to but Gordon had that gravitas. there are some good positions no longer with seats
Im not saying its the be all and end all but you could be the greatest of all time and if you look like a sruf and you cant talk, your gonna find it tough.

Look at Hitler, brick policy but speaker and leader of people (slight extreme view)
Im not saying its the be all and end all but you could be the greatest of all time and if you look like a sruf and you cant talk, your gonna find it tough.

Look at Hitler, **** policy but speaker and leader of people (slight extreme view)

So true. Michael Foot was apparently a very clever and erudite politician and was also good leader of men but looked like a rag and bone man.
In an ideal world Labour needed two that fit together, they need good PR more though and I think had they been clever they could have appointed a master of spin, a real slick new dawn type operator.

They sh1t the bed on this one
My thoughts are is that a politician need to be more than just good in front of the camera! Or we end up Trump, Boris and Farage. It could be a hair thing!

I'm a big Gordon Brown fan. Tony was good to but Gordon had that gravitas. there are some good positions no longer with seats

Brown was an economic halfwit - and that's being generous. Remember him ending boom and bust? Remember him selling our gold at rock bottom prices? What about his public spending binge? The creation of a voter army consisting of pointless civil servants and workshy claimants?

Brown did two good things in his time in office - kept us at an arm's length from Europe and tested to destruction the myth that more money is the remedy for poor public services.
Well I must admit I am surprised ( but glad) he has won. It shows how the people have got fed up with the sound bites, 1,000 pounds suits, dentists enhanced smiles and general flimflam of leaders like Cameron, Blair, Clegg etc.

What with UKIP getting nearly 4 million votes at the last election and now Corbyn winning with 60% of the vote and beating the Cameron/Blair look alike Burnham it shows how many are getting fed up with being treated like mushrooms and lied to.

Lets hope the leaders of the other partys start to accept that there are a lot of the public who are getting fed up of the same flimflam and false promises and start doing what is good for the Country and not just there pals

Brown was an economic halfwit - and that's being generous. Remember him ending boom and bust? Remember him selling our gold at rock bottom prices? What about his public spending binge? The creation of a voter army consisting of pointless civil servants and workshy claimants?

Brown did two good things in his time in office - kept us at an arm's length from Europe and tested to destruction the myth that more money is the remedy for poor public services.

Yep seriously!
Well I must admit I am surprised ( but glad) he has won. It shows how the people have got fed up with the sound bites, 1,000 pounds suits, dentists enhanced smiles and general hogwash of leaders like Cameron, Blair, Clegg etc.

What with UKIP getting nearly 4 million votes at the last election and now Corbyn winning with 60% of the vote and beating the Cameron/Blair look alike Burnham it shows how many are getting fed up with being treated like mushrooms and lied to.

Lets hope the leaders of the other partys start to accept that there are a lot of the public who are getting fed up of the same hogwash and false promises and start doing what is good for the Country and not just there pals

It's the 'Tory Boy' back lash!
It's the 'Tory Boy' back lash!

Well I hope its more then that, I hope its a back lash against false smiles and gonads that MP's of all t partys have given us over the last decade or so. As BD used to say " the times they are a changing".
Well I hope its more then that, I hope its a back lash against false smiles and cobblers that MP's of all t partys have given us over the last decade or so. As BD used to say " the times they are a changing".

I used to love Harry Enfields character - think it was based on William Hague?

Not sure what will happen when the dust settles - I'm wondering if we see another new SDLP for UK setup
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Well I must admit I am surprised ( but glad) he has won. It shows how the people have got fed up with the sound bites, 1,000 pounds suits, dentists enhanced smiles and general hogwash of leaders like Cameron, Blair, Clegg etc.

What with UKIP getting nearly 4 million votes at the last election and now Corbyn winning with 60% of the vote and beating the Cameron/Blair look alike Burnham it shows how many are getting fed up with being treated like mushrooms and lied to.

Lets hope the leaders of the other partys start to accept that there are a lot of the public who are getting fed up of the same hogwash and false promises and start doing what is good for the Country and not just there pals

I agree that it is a reaction against career politicians but I am not sure that UKIP or Corbyn Labour are being any more honest that what preceded them. Their opinions might be more heartfelt but it is easy to do that when you do not stand a chance of having to implement any of them and when they come under less scrutiny. That is not going to be an option for Corbyn now and every inconsistency is going to get picked over.
I agree that it is a reaction against career politicians but I am not sure that UKIP or Corbyn Labour are being any more honest that what preceded them. Their opinions might be more heartfelt but it is easy to do that when you do not stand a chance of having to implement any of them and when they come under less scrutiny. That is not going to be an option for Corbyn now and every inconsistency is going to get picked over.
He'll have to betray some of his political leanings merely to keep the party in one piece, IMO
He'll have to betray some of his political leanings merely to keep the party in one piece, IMO

It looks like he has already adjusted his position on the EU and NATO. It will be interesting to see if he becomes a Privy Councillor and how he gets briefed on sensitive government business if he does not.

The government will lay plenty of traps over the coming months to highlight differences between him and his MPs. It is going to be very difficult for him to expect them to toe the party line when he has voted against it so often under previous leaders.
It will be interesting to see if he becomes a Privy Councillor and how he gets briefed on sensitive government business if he does not.

How weird. It was announced that he has accepted the Queen's invitation to join the privy council at the same time I posted this.
I agree that it is a reaction against career politicians but I am not sure that UKIP or Corbyn Labour are being any more honest that what preceded them. Their opinions might be more heartfelt but it is easy to do that when you do not stand a chance of having to implement any of them and when they come under less scrutiny. That is not going to be an option for Corbyn now and every inconsistency is going to get picked over.

Well I do not think that Corbyn is the same as the ones that preceded him, he has beliefs ( and I do not agree with all of them to be honest) but I am sure he is being honest when he expresses them unlike the recent leaders of the three parties.