Johnny nice-tits
I remember this day like it was yesterday, horrific day and very sad RIP to the 52

I remember this day like it was yesterday, horrific day and very sad RIP to the 52
Agree about that picture you posted though Marky from other comments. Looks like something straight out of a Britain First/EDL page.
Was retweeted loads of twitter, I didnt trace it back to its origin to see if it was something it wasnt meant to be
that day was the day that my wife and I decided to move to Oz with our daughter.
I was meant to have caught the overground at Elstree but my wife was called into work. I dropped my daughter at pre-school and caught the later train than normal. Turns out the bombers were on the train I should have been on, I walked to the tube station from Kings X/St Pancras just as the tube bombs went off further down the line and we were told to keep away from tube stations. I started walking towards Warren st/Tottenham Crt Rd through the back roads when .... yep the bus bomb went off over in tavistock sq.
After a couple of hours of panic me and a couple of other blokes walked towards Hampstead and on the way found a black cab heading north, he charged us 70 pounds each to get to Edgware, Stanmore and then Elstree !! When I got to Elstree my daughter's school was in lockdown from a suspect package, that was pretty much the deciding factor!
Oh and while all this happened my wife was on full alert in Barnet Emergency department as they had to take all the emergencies not related to the bombings.
Sometimes I think I was just lucky, sometimes maybe it was fate, either way it made me get the fXck away from London and the UK.
sorry for the ramble but it brings back some pretty bad memories, RIP to all those innocent people who lost their lives doing what I was doing and just trying to get to work to earn a living to support a family.
Mate, it was the worst day of my life, I have lost friends from IRA bombings, have been in London when the IRA bombed the square mile but nothing was close to that day.****ing hell!!
Very proud of everyone that next day, there was a sort of solidarity about it all at the time.