El Dante
Les Ferdinand
Big Bang theory I actually like.
I'm also going to chuck in How I Met Your Mother. Perhaps I would actually like it if I was to watch a full episode but every time I've flicked it on when there's been nothing else on I find myself turning over again within 15 miniutes as I find it very unfunny. Also think it's trying to live off the hype of 'Friends' and draw in over obsessed fans who miss it.
That last criticism can equally be applied to The Big Bang Theory. In the past Friends always seemed like a 'go to' programme, if you had a group of randoms together in a room and needed to watch something on TV at that moment.
Friends would be on TV; most people can at least tolerate the show, and so on goes Friends. It's inoffensive, enjoyable enough for half an hour and kinda middle ground fare.
The same can be said about Big Bang Theory, but I find The Big Bang Theory to be funnier.