Serge Aurier
Just spent 45 mins with him now. He's so cool. Given me a massive insight to the footballing world. I will add to this as I will (I'm drunk) but he is awesome.

He said I should become a coach, still at 30!
He said that players have too much control.
I said every year I lose a bit of love for football but he said football is magical and it's amazing so never lose the love. He was with his wife who fell asleep bit he said she was always with him and he sleeps football.
He was such a nice guy, he always said "chris..." When starting a sentence.
It was just nice to hear what he was saying from an actual manager. I've never really spoke to anyone famous for so long and actually had their attention.
I've never disliked Mick McCarthy and said Wolves were so wrong to get rid of him and he just said he had no problem at all and just moved on.
Great post mate and pleased you met him.
I met Chris Kamara in Chicago airport this summer and had a 10 minute chat with him and he was just as friendly and polite.
It seems the old school managers and players are top people and willing to give you the time of day.
He is doing very well at ipswich, still think Wolves were stupid to get rid of him when they did
Does appear that way doesn't it? I don't really meet anyone famous so it made y day really. I wonder if Mourinho or AVB would be as willing to give the time? Prob not!