David Ginola
The vast majority of the "really clever people" in the top banking positions were not worried about the MBS/CLO/CDO/ABS due to past default rates and rating agencies, there were some but they were in the fringes. All that has come after is hindsight - there was no will political or from the markets for more / intrusive regulation but the opposite.
No idea wha MBS etc are but yes I agree. Humans are all knowing...after the event. Time and again I'm amazed at how little we know until the crowd picks it up and then we're brilliant analysists. True foresight quite a rare thing. The banking collapse was the end of the premise that unregulated markets would ballance themselves. Was that Adam Smith and the hidden hand of the market. Well it don't work without some regulation.
One thing is for sure, if the UK had the right system to police fiancial markets, it would be better off implementing it via the EU. The European Banking Authority has global power. It is also based in London (until it moves to Paris due to Brexit). Things like fianance and global warming are not national issues, and can't be solved nationally. Which is why we need the EU - and it needs us. It has relied on the UK to drive banking regulation for example. But without us, we'll likely still follow global blocks regulation, but we won't be in control of it anymore.
Nevermind Mwahahahah its more Booo to Brexit and its monumental waste of time and downgrading of the UK.
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