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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

Don't understand why people say every year that Liverpool will be strong next year, they'll be a threat to us. They will probably be better, but provided we keep Bale there is no need to worry about them, Everton are a bigger threat.

Personally think Everton will fade a bit next year. Too many good players will be off in the summer.

Everton fan at work says they expect a poor season or 2 following this one.
Personally think Everton will fade a bit next year. Too many good players will be off in the summer.

Everton fan at work says they expect a poor season or 2 following this one.

Some of their good players aren't that good any more, like Heitinga. They need some rebuilding before their aging squad becomes an issue.
And the police, could they do anything?

Chelsea should be getting their solicitor onto this, Mr Society of Black Lawyers. It's a high profile case which has nothing to do with him, right up his street.

What rock has this prick crawled back under, not heard much from him lately...
Don't understand why people say every year that Liverpool will be strong next year, they'll be a threat to us. They will probably be better, but provided we keep Bale there is no need to worry about them, Everton are a bigger threat.

Any team with Downing, Henderson and Jon-Jo Shelvey in most of their starting elevens will not be a threat to us
Liverpool's back line is a crumbling unit. Carragher is getting out before the embarassment becomes any more painful, Agger is an absolute adventure, Skrtl's defective. Enrique's OK, Kelly's decent, but nothing more. Reina's time is just about up.

I look at Gerrard and you can see the fire's gone out in his eyes. How crushing must it be for him, after pledging himself lifelong, to have to cope with the reality that he'll never win a league title or play another Champions League game again. All that's left for him is to be a big fish in a shrinking pond that is rapidly being fouled almost weekly by the very people he plays with and for. The rest of them, while they're not an offensive lot, they're barely adequate.

A lot of brave noises will be made and stern declarations made, but this side will continue its long, steady descent. Their biggest worry now will be answering satisfactorily to their corporate sponsors. They don't have the players or the results to justify the money being spent on them. They don't remotely look like they'll gain either in the foreseeable future. At 84mil in debt, they have much to concern them if they want to conform to new FFP regs.

They'll have a hell of a time selling Suarez for his value pre-bite. And they're not gonna get anything close to what they paid for Andy Carroll or, for that matter, what they think he's worth right now.

I don't feel the slightest sympathy for them.
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And the police, could they do anything?

Chelsea should be getting their solicitor onto this, Mr Society of Black Lawyers. It's a high profile case which has nothing to do with him, right up his street.
I heard the society of black dentists are getting involved.
Branislav Ivanovic has not accepted the apology from Luis Suárez over the biting incident and it has also emerged that the Metropolitan police asked to examine the Chelsea defender's arm as part of an inquiry into the controversy.

Suárez, the Liverpool striker, who grabbed his opponent before biting his arm during the 2-2 draw at Anfield on Sunday, tweeted that he had spoken to Ivanovic on the phone to apologise. "Thanks for accepting," the Uruguayan also wrote.

But it is understood that while Ivanovic appreciated the call, which was cordial, he stopped short of accepting the apology. Ivanovic's team-mate Petr Cech said that the Serb was "not happy at all" and there remains an element of shock at Chelsea, even if they are determined not to become entangled in the fallout from the affair.

Cech was frustrated by what he felt was Suárez's niggling approach and pushing of the boundaries. "I was not happy because he is always pushing people around to make space for himself," the goalkeeper said. "This is what I was complaining to the referee about because he does it all the time, little fouls and pushes."

Yet Chelsea seemed angrier about Suárez's 97th-minute equaliser and not only because he ought not to have been on the pitch to score it. They accept that officials cannot see every incident clearly but the amount of injury time that was added vexed the interim manager Rafael Benítez and his players. The fourth official had signalled for a minimum of six minutes, with Suárez's goal happening at six minutes and 34 seconds.

"The referee is on the pitch to decide how much extra time there is … it's unusual to have six minutes," Cech said. "I have to say that I have been a Chelsea player since 2004 and I have never had six minutes in my favour when I was losing. Obviously, you look at this and say: 'Why does this happen when I play away?' This is the referee's choice, it's his job to look for the extra time. We conceded in the last second and from our point, we have to do better next time."

Ivanovic was checked over for injuries by Chelsea after the game – there were none – and the Met police officer who visited the club's training ground also looked for bite marks or bruises. He too saw nothing. The officer, acting with the police on Merseyside, asked Ivanovic whether he wanted to press charges. He did not.

Chelsea have begun to look forward to Thursday's Europa League semi-final first-leg at Basel. "We had a disappointing end at Liverpool but we have a massive game coming up," Cech said. "We need to forget about this one and concentrate on the next."

Got to admit I'm starting to enjoy Suarez. He's not really a prick, he's just mental. Those pictures make me laugh almost as much as the ones of Bowyer seething in that headlock after his fight with Dyer.
I can't read the story cause its Subscription Only on The Times website but apparently Poyet has defended him again and called us hypocrites. If anyone can get hold of it can they paste it in here?
I like Brighton but I am REALLY starting to dislike Poyet. I know Suarez is his fellow countryman but he needs to just keep quiet and stop acting like a d**k. Does anyone remember the TalkSport interview he did during the Suarez-Evra affair where he basically went a bit nuts on the radio and started accusing the English of having a problem and saying Suarez hadn't done anything wrong!!


"He tried to bite someone in the arm; no harm, really. A little pain. But if a player goes over the top and tries to break a leg? That's good because we are strong and we like the tackle."

Gus Poyet
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