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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

To replace a controversial temperamental ****er that topped Premier League assisting charts, they sign a controversial temperamental ****er with one assist in 54 games for Emirates Marketing Project. A player with a vastly inferior goalscoring record to Suarez in a vastly inferior league.

Balotelli is a talented player for sure. But a completely different style of player to the one he is replacing. The one he replaced made his team mates play better, by being good at dribbling with the ball and dragging defenders away from them, and by picking them out with accurate passes. Balotelli offers neither of those things. He is a very good finisher, but even then, I'd say a downgrade from Suarez.

Aside from being selfish and not fitting into Liverpool's style of play at all, I think he's hugely over-rated because of his media image. When he scores an ice-cool match winner in a big game and celebrates with style, he makes a name for himself. But he's never scored more than 14 league goals in a season and doesn't get any assists. And he's not even that young any more at 24, you'd have thought he'd have had at least one outstanding season to justify the hype. His goalscoring record for Italy is ok but unspectacular too.

I'd be much more concerned if he went to Arsenal, as they'd play him as a lone striker who would be relied upon to poach goals. In opposition fashion from Giroud, he's certainly a big game player. Would be interesting if he gets to play this weekend and make his debut at the Etihad - guarantee he'll either score or get sent off.

Every player is a downgrade on Suarez, except for Messi, Ronaldo and I can't think of anyone else.
Every player is a downgrade on Suarez, except for Messi, Ronaldo and I can't think of anyone else.

Balotelli is not only a massive downgrade, but also a liability and prone to creating bad publicity. In many ways he is the perfect replacement and the victims can revel in being targeted by the media once he ****s up.

Dippers claiming it's a steal compared to McCormack for 11million or Long for 12. Makes 16 million sounds about right actually.
Balotelli is not only a massive downgrade, but also a liability and prone to creating bad publicity. In many ways he is the perfect replacement and the victims can revel in being targeted by the media once he ****s up.

I agree but my point is that any player they sign will be a a massive downgrade to a player that scored 31 in 33 last season and had GHod knows how many assists.

The only thing that won't be a downgrade is that they are both cnuts of the highest order :lol:
Excellent signing for Liverpool IMHO. Should do much better playing week in, week out, rather than being expected to rotate like at City. I'm not sure he is total git people make him out to be, from reports of "incidents" there are some ridiculous wild child stories, but others suggesting he just doesn't have the same fixation with money as others. Anyone know if Santa hat is true??

Primarily I'm a big Spurs fan and from that point of view, I'm hope I'm wrong and I hope Liverpool fail completely this season with everything they do. But the football fan in me is pleased to see him back in the Premier League, as I was when Mourinho came back last year. It's good to have characters around.
Balotelli is 24....what was bad boy Eric Cantona doing at the same age? I see similarities, both in character and the way they play. Balotelli will get bored of being a d!ck at some point and lets see then what he produces on the pitch. At 16 mill, proven scoring record at every level, he is only going to get better. I think him and Sturridge has the makings of a top partnership

Balotelli is 24....what was bad boy Eric Cantona doing at the same age? I see similarities, both in character and the way they play. Balotelli will get bored of being a d!ck at some point and lets see then what he produces on the pitch. At 16 mill, proven scoring record at every level, he is only going to get better. I think him and Sturridge has the makings of a top partnership

I must admit, I cannot see the resemblance to Cantona.

It will be interesting to see how this changes their formation.
16m is unreal business tbf when you consider how much Long and McCormack went for.

He's a good player but I am not sure whether this is a good signing for them. There is a reason why he never lasts long at a club and he comes at a cost. I am going to be really interested to see who they drop for Balotelli and their formation.