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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

So you don't think the order the fixtures are in makes a difference, ok.

I respectfully disagree.

It doesnt make a difference no.

We have to play every team, just like they do.

If we continue to take enough points off everyone else, it doesnt matter if we play Man U, Liverpool, arse, Chelsea, City twice each in a row.

3pts are 3pts. We could lose to all them, and still win the league over 38 games.
If you think our games against Bolton, QPR and Blackburn in April will be easier than games against Arse, Liverpool etc then your living in hope more than anything, cause those teams are fighting for survival, I'm NOT looking forward to playing them.

Just as hard as each other, but as you say, for differing reasons. Of the 7 away games left, probably Villa could be the least difficult (not going to say easiest). With luck they will be safe come that game.
One things for sure, if we are still 3rd or level with 3rd spot on the morning of the Blackburn game I'm going to be a very happy man.

Being the eternal pessimist after years of heartache, I'm still not in that confident place yet, but as each week goes by and we keep grinding out results I get a little happier.
Right now I really think 73pts will be enough to get 3rd. Chelsea have just as many tough away fixtures as us and 9 wins, 3 draws in 14 will take some doing

As posted before, I think this weekend is massive. Chelsea,Arsenal,Liverpool and Saudi Sportswashing Machine(obv) all away and not easy games either
That tweet by Patrick Barclay seems way out of line though, I have no idea who he is, but that makes him look like an idiot.

I like Patrick Barclay. Normally speaks sense and has always appeared to have a bit of a soft spot for Spurs.

But he shouldn't have written that - if for no other reason than it was designed only to provoke. It was utterly gratuitous.

Liverpool fans were no angels, certainly. And they have to take their share of the blame for what happened that fateful day in May '85. But others were equally responsible. The Juve fans themselves; the Belgian police; UEFA for choosing an inadequate, decaying stadium for such a big game.
I like Patrick Barclay. Normally speaks sense and has always appeared to have a bit of a soft spot for Spurs.

But he shouldn't have written that - if for no other reason than it was designed only to provoke. It was utterly gratuitous.

Liverpool fans were no angels, certainly. And they have to take their share of the blame for what happened that fateful day in May '85. But others were equally responsible. The Juve fans themselves; the Belgian police; UEFA for choosing an inadequate, decaying stadium for such a big game.

I agree fully. There's just no need for those kinds of comments. It was a tragedy (in footballing scales) and should be treated as one.
It doesnt make a difference no.

We have to play every team, just like they do.

If we continue to take enough points off everyone else, it doesnt matter if we play Man U, Liverpool, arse, Chelsea, City twice each in a row.

3pts are 3pts. We could lose to all them, and still win the league over 38 games.

But wouldn't you think those types of fixtures require more from the players, thus having a whole string of them might batter our players more? Playing against weaker sides usually means we can rest a few starters if they need it.
I do agree with the overall sentiment that it shouldn't really matter when the fixture occurs, except when you factor injuries and all that, but ultimately that's out of our hands.
Dear Liverpool fans lurking here

When you won the CL the other year, I would say that most neutrals were behind you. You are a great club, historically, and alot of fans respected that, even if it was begrudgingly.

Today, that has changed. To be quite frank about it, you are despised.

Never in my life have I read so much filth, and bile from such a wide cross section of support, as I have from RAWK recently. It just beggars belief. You are your own worst enemy. Not the Media, or anyone else.

You are like a tight knit Free Mason society, who hates anything that is not you. You hate teams because they are now better than you. You hate players because they are better than your own. You hate managers, because they are better than Kenny Dalgliesh. You hate the Press because you are not in the limelight.

Ask yourselves why you should be? What have you done to deserve to be?

You spent 100M, yet you dont entertain...not even slightly. Please take a look at the table, because the last time I checked, there are six teams above you. Yet all of your players are much better, and you have a better manager.

Your "loyalty" is not admirable. Its disgusting. Its the stuff of the deranged, and the dilusional. Like a form of narcisissm. A sickness. You make me sick.

The so called legendary Kop sucking the ball into the net? Try singing something other than a pre arranged "Walk On" before kick off. The PA is louder than the fans, and it sounds like entertainment night at the old peoples home. Embarassing, and archaic.

Move on. Everyone else has, and the more you huddle together in your little red ball of self indulgence, the more despicable those neutrals who once respected you, think you are.

Third season in a row you wont qualify for the CL. Who's fault is that? Roy's I suppose.....

Epic post.

And I agree 100% with every word.

Liverpool fans are right up there with Gooners. clams.
It doesnt make a difference no.

We have to play every team, just like they do.

If we continue to take enough points off everyone else, it doesnt matter if we play Man U, Liverpool, arse, Chelsea, City twice each in a row.

3pts are 3pts. We could lose to all them, and still win the league over 38 games.

you're wrong - the order in which fixtures are played can have a massive effect on the results you could pick up, for example :

Manchester United A
Wigan H
Arsenal H
Stoke A

playing these games in that order means you will not have the same preparation/focus for each if you were to play them say Arsenal, Wigan Stoke Man Utd

hard to explain exactly what i mean, but the order in which you play your fixtures does change the possible outcome (im sure someone could make the point much better than i have)
Even though they won't admit it, I actually think Liverpool fans (well at least some of them) know deep down that their club has dropped a massive gonad in the handling of the Suarez-Evra incident. The t-shirts were a terrible idea and was a massive PR failure. I'm starting to dislike Dalglish more than I dislike Wenger. Why does he always act like such a prick during his tv interviews? He acts like he's deeply offended any time a journalist asks a question about Carroll for example. That's their job! To ask questions. When a journalist told him about Rooney's tweet last night, he looked like someone had just brick in his dinner! Added to the fact that he won't let the Suarez ban go. What was the point in referencing it again last night? Dalglish will regret his actions in a few years when he's had time to reflect.

P.S. The Hillsbrough comments are out of line and don't do this forum any favours whatsoever.
Even though they won't admit it, I actually think Liverpool fans (well at least some of them) know deep down that their club has dropped a massive gonad in the handling of the Suarez-Evra incident. The t-shirts were a terrible idea and was a massive PR failure. I'm starting to dislike Dalglish more than I dislike Wenger. Why does he always act like such a prick during his tv interviews? He acts like he's deeply offended any time a journalist asks a question about Carroll for example. That's their job! To ask questions. When a journalist told him about Rooney's tweet last night, he looked like someone had just brick in his dinner! Added to the fact that he won't let the Suarez ban go. What was the point in referencing it again last night? Dalglish will regret his actions in a few years when he's had time to reflect.

P.S. The Hillsbrough comments are out of line and don't do this forum any favours whatsoever.

The hillsborough comments are insenstive in this day and age.But they are also bang on the money, only one group of people killed another that day and it was the liverpool fans who did not have a ticket that forced themselves into the ground that caused the death of the people that died, that is a fact.

A stone cold fact, you can say the should have been better policing and no barriers but it would not have mattered if people without tickets had not forced their way into the ground.
'We've accepted the sentence and moved on', 'he should never have been out in the first place'

Paraphrasing slightly here, but in what way have they accepted it if he's still moaning about it?
The hillsborough comments are insenstive in this day and age.But they are also bang on the money, only one group of people killed another that day and it was the liverpool fans who did not have a ticket that forced themselves into the ground that caused the death of the people that died, that is a fact.

A stone cold fact, you can say the should have been better policing and no barriers but it would not have mattered if people without tickets had not forced their way into the ground.

sorry mate thats gonads. My dad was at Hillsborough with Spurs shortly before the disaster and we (thfc) came very close to suffering the same disaster - that away end was a death trap and the police just kept piling in supporters to an already crowded area whilst others remained sparse. if it wasn't for the luck of the gate being forced open by spurs supporters then it would be us and not Liverpool mourning the dead.

ask anyone who had been there with spurs that game about it and they tell you how close to being crushed alive some people were.

Heysel is a different matter and one that Liverpool need to shoulder the responsibility for

but anyone blaming them for Hillsborough doesn't have a clue what they're on about
sorry mate thats gonads. My dad was at Hillsborough with Spurs shortly before the disaster and we (thfc) came very close to suffering the same disaster - that away end was a death trap and the police just kept piling in supporters to an already crowded area whilst others remained sparse. if it wasn't for the luck of the gate being forced open by spurs supporters then it would be us and not Liverpool mourning the dead.

ask anyone who had been there with spurs that game about it and they tell you how close to being crushed alive some people were.

Heysel is a different matter and one that Liverpool need to shoulder the responsibility for

but anyone blaming them for Hillsborough doesn't have a clue what they're on about

top post - apparently West ham say the same - there is no need to make stuff up about the club there is so much there it is not needed
I think with regards Hillsborough we could all argue and go round the houses in relation to the relevant causes and who should shoulder the most blame. I think it would be prudent to accept that like with any tragedy, a number of factors combined all came together and played its part. One variable removed and suddenly the tragedy doesn't happen. I think what really gets peoples goat with regards Liverpool fans in the way they come across like they have a Monopoly on grief on Hillsborough and Heysel, especially the latter when it was their supporters who were pivotal in the incident kicking off.

It has always seemed to me that when you try to have a discussion with a proper Liverpool fan (not just someone who supported them because it gave them street cred in school and saved on the bullying), they really get their backs up if you have a view alternative to the widely held one by the area or the clubs supporters on the two disasters. Straight away its a victim mentality and you are perceived to be showing disrespect if you do not conform to the "Liverpool" view.

I mentioned in the Everton match thread that those supporters seemed bitter, rabid and just fed up with life given the venomous way they were behaving on the day. Seems to be a common theme with people from the city who really do not live upto the misguided stereotype that Scousers are lovely people who would be your best friend if you let them.
A tragedy is just that. It is generally blameless in my book and even if Liverpool fans shouldn't have surged/forced their way in or anything, it is disrespectful to the father who's two girls didn't come home that day. Or the countless other victims.

No amount of racism, Dalglish being a pratt or anything will ever change my view on Hillsborough. I was incredibly moved when I visited Anfield last season.
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sorry mate thats gonads. My dad was at Hillsborough with Spurs shortly before the disaster and we (thfc) came very close to suffering the same disaster - that away end was a death trap and the police just kept piling in supporters to an already crowded area whilst others remained sparse. if it wasn't for the luck of the gate being forced open by spurs supporters then it would be us and not Liverpool mourning the dead.

ask anyone who had been there with spurs that game about it and they tell you how close to being crushed alive some people were.

Heysel is a different matter and one that Liverpool need to shoulder the responsibility for

Quite right, fella.

What happened at Hillsborough was entirely preventable. As you say, the authorities knew all about the potential danger after the near disaster that was our 1981 FA Cup semi final against Wolves. But nothing was done about it. The only reason why Spurs fans didn't die in great numbers that day is that, on that occasion (but not in 1989), the police realised what was happening and allowed Spurs fans to jump over the fencing and spill over on to the pitch.

So some of the Liverpool fans turned up late. Many of them had had a few pints. Some even tried to get in illegally.

You know what......that describes pretty much every football fan in the country back in the 80's (and still quite a few today). It could have been any of us - so let's not throw stones, eh?

There was a catalogue of errors by the authorities, starting with allocating the smaller end to the club with the far bigger fan base (as had also happened in 1981). It was all compounded by the refusal of the police to believe that what was going on was anything other than hooliganism. By the time they realised the truth, it was too late. In the aftermath, insult was added to injury as the authorities lied and covered up the truth of their incompetence for years.

As to Heysel, Liverpool supporters absolutely have to take their share of the blame.

But UEFA were also responsible. They chose an inadequate, old and decaying stadium for the biggest game of the year - despite both Liverpool and Juve officials begging them to hold the game elsewhere. They also, against Liverpool and Juve's wishes, introduced a neutral section next to the main section of Liverpool support. Tickets for that neutral section ended up mostly in the hands of Juve fans.

The Belgian police were wholly unprepared. They ignored the advice of British police and failed to segregate the fans properly. They were woefully undermanned.

The Juve fans in the neutral section started throwing missiles at the Liverpool fans half an hour or so before the game. Liverpool fans retaliated. The situation escalated until, finally, the Liverpool fans breached the inadequate segregation measures and charged. The Juve fans who had been every bit as responsible for starting the trouble as the Liverpool fans then turned and fled. And it was as a result of that that there was a big crush which led to a crumbly, old wall collapsing.
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However you want to break down the incidents and the events that led up to them (and there's plenty of blame to go around involving bad facilities and poor policing) ... the fact remains that in the 1980s there were two horrible crushing events making up the two worst disaster in modern european football ... and both involved Liverpool fans. That's either an utterly remarkable coincidence, or there is serious blame to lay at the feet of the club.

Considering that UEFA banned all English clubs for a number of years after Heysel, and Liverpool received an additional ban and several fans faced manslaughter convictions ... their behavior following it has been shameful.
Of course it's Parker's fault, Suarez was looking at the ball and didn't know he's poking at Parker's eye


  • SuarezParker.jpg
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I like Patrick Barclay. Normally speaks sense and has always appeared to have a bit of a soft spot for Spurs.

But he shouldn't have written that - if for no other reason than it was designed only to provoke. It was utterly gratuitous.

Liverpool fans were no angels, certainly. And they have to take their share of the blame for what happened that fateful day in May '85. But others were equally responsible. The Juve fans themselves; the Belgian police; UEFA for choosing an inadequate, decaying stadium for such a big game.

I know for a FACT that Chelsea went over to Heysel to fight Italians, a bleed-over from a particularly hostile Euro '80 which was in Italy. Furthermore, yes, Hillsborough nearly happened to us that day. I know. It was . Also nearly happened at the old Loftus Road earlier in that cup run...