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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

I copied some stuff from the RAWK match thread, but truth be told that stuff isn't a patch on their Parker thread. The last two pages are some of the worst stuff I've ever read:


Actually, there are a few level headed persons in that particular thread...

Why is everyone offended by his hair? Hairist all of ya

Don't see the massive problem with him myself, played well today

re: Fotball Writers Players Award: glad a defensive player got it. Always underrated these players. Defensive midfielders of decent quality win more games than practically anyone. We have been brick without lucas.
re: Suarez kick: I'd rather he kicked the ball in the net tbh.

I don't get why we have such a high proportion of idiots supporting the club now. If Suarez had got sent off for playing it to perfection and kicking Parker in the stomach you'd all be crying how it's such an injustice.

Let's stick to football and conduct ourselves with a bit of class.

Not really sure what people's problem with him is. Then again there aren't many players that are liked around here, and that includes our own!
Parker was very good tonight. Probably the difference between winning and drawing. Seemed to be in the way of everything and broke up the play well. Very much a player who has improved more and more as his career has progressed.
Really don't get the hate for him (as I may have said in one thread too many by now!), even if commentators always exaggerate and go on about how courageous he is. That's annoying and silly, but it's hardly Parker's fault? He isn't anywhere near the best player in the league, but after Lucas, he's the best defensive midfielder in my opinion. Far better than the likes of Barry, who somehow manages to be a regular for the league leaders, and plays ahead of him for England (atleast until very recently).

Great player!

Sure there are heaps of idiotic comments as well, but surprisingly many positive ones too.

However, I share the sentiments of the OP. When watching the game, and especially after that superclam Suarez came on, I felt like if we were to lose this, I would lose my marbles and would not be held responsible for my actions.

I think it is mostly down to how disgusting several of their players are, their managers childish behaviour and the delusional fans who refuse to take any criticism when it comes to said things. They deserve to be 7th in the league and they are certainly not there because they have been wrongly treated.
Got to agree with Howard Webb on this. Some of the comments about Liverpool fans, Hillsborough and Heysel on this thread are out of order.

And all the clips from RAWK that have been posted on here to fuel the hatred..........the same could be done to any football forum on the internet - including this one. There are idiots among every club's fan base - and most of them seem to be attracted to internet forums.
A guy I know at work said his mate is currently in hospital because a mini bus with 15 of them on the way back from the game got ambushed by scousers and they slashed them up. fudging clams
Got to agree with Howard Webb on this. Some of the comments about Liverpool fans, Hillsborough and Heysel on this thread are out of order.

And all the clips from RAWK that have been posted on here to fuel the hatred..........the same could be done to any football forum on the internet - including this one. There are idiots among every club's fan base - and most of them seem to be attracted to internet forums.

Funny how Bluemoon and RedCafe also seem to think the same about them.....and most people I know, including Chelsea, arsenal and West Ham fans.
Funny how Bluemoon and RedCafe also seem to think the same about them.....and most people I know, including Chelsea, arsenal and West Ham fans.

Have you ever listened to what most other fans think of Spurs fans?

Trust me....it's not complimentary.
That I know. Doesnt detract from the fact that Liverpool fans right now are showing themselves up, on the whole, to be a complete bunch of c#nts. And that, most people can see, whoever they support
That I know. Doesnt detract from the fact that Liverpool fans right now are showing themselves up, on the whole, to be a complete bunch of c#nts. And that, most people can see, whoever they support

If a Suarez type of situation had happened to a Spurs player, I don't think that our response would be too different to that of Liverpool fans (though I hope that our club's response would be much more appropriate and sensitive than Liverpool's).

But regardless of what I think of that, it's the Hillsborough and Heysel stuff that's out of order, IMO.
I have more faith in Spurs fans to be honest. Back in the 70's a major reason ethnic monorities started to follow us (and to be fair the gooners) was that we were a couple of the very few clubs without a large number of racist c#nts following us.
I just don't get it I don't get him I don't get how the English media toss themselves into a frenzy over this guy I just don't understand!
It's simply too easy to cherry-pick quotes from that forum (because most of it is so appalling). But this one just summed it all up for me :ross:

Kudos to Rock Strongo for picking out the few good quotes from the minority of fans who aren't deluded.

jimmyb: We're all obviously biased, but I think a majority of us will stand for what's right. Principals over self-victimization is what separates US from THEM.
I've always had a lot of time for Liverpool, and especially Dalglish. But since his return he has became an incessant prick. At first his sarcasm to journalists was funny, rather refreshing, but now he has a permanent chip on his shoulder, and that attitude is seeping through the crowd. A lot of my friends support Liverpool, and when once you could have a discussion about football and they were rather open minded and knowledgeable, they just moan about the treatment of Suarez.

The club always (to me at least) had an old fashioned, traditional feel to it. The club still had values that they had in the 1970's, the notion of dealing with their dirty laundry out of the public eye. But now the only aspect of the 70's that is rife at Anfield, is the close minded racism that a small section of the crowd are perpetrating.

Dalglish was of the same school of thought as Paisley and Shankly, but would they have been so naive to publicly back a guilty racist. If the Liverpool hierarchy had anything about them, then Suarez would have had his contract terminated. In the year he has been at the club, he has managed, almost single handedly, to destroy the clubs reputation. It's a sad sight for me.
It's simply too easy to cherry-pick quotes from that forum (because most of it is so appalling). But this one just summed it all up for me :ross:

Kudos to Rock Strongo for picking out the few good quotes from the minority of fans who aren't deluded.

jimmyb: We're all obviously biased, but I think a majority of us will stand for what's right. Principals over self-victimization is what separates US from THEM.

If there had been a clear, undisputed instance of racist behaviour by one of our players, then I have no doubt that Spurs fans would condemn that player and possibly even demand that he never plays for the club again.

But the issue in the Suarez case is that there is a great deal of doubt as to whether or not a racist act was committed. Excuse the pun but this isn't a black or white issue. It's not crystal clear. It's grey and murky. In such circumstances, it's not at all unnatural for the fans of that player's club to stand by their man. I certainly wouldn't condemn Liverpool fans for it.
United have overhauled them. They cannot handle it.

As in life so goes football, civilisations rise and fall, Liverpool have fallen to the barbarians.
Dear Liverpool fans lurking here

When you won the CL the other year, I would say that most neutrals were behind you. You are a great club, historically, and alot of fans respected that, even if it was begrudgingly.

Today, that has changed. To be quite frank about it, you are despised.

Never in my life have I read so much filth, and bile from such a wide cross section of support, as I have from RAWK recently. It just beggars belief. You are your own worst enemy. Not the Media, or anyone else.

You are like a tight knit Free Mason society, who hates anything that is not you. You hate teams because they are now better than you. You hate players because they are better than your own. You hate managers, because they are better than Kenny Dalgliesh. You hate the Press because you are not in the limelight.

Ask yourselves why you should be? What have you done to deserve to be?

You spent 100M, yet you dont entertain...not even slightly. Please take a look at the table, because the last time I checked, there are six teams above you. Yet all of your players are much better, and you have a better manager.

Your "loyalty" is not admirable. Its disgusting. Its the stuff of the deranged, and the dilusional. Like a form of narcisissm. A sickness. You make me sick.

The so called legendary Kop sucking the ball into the net? Try singing something other than a pre arranged "Walk On" before kick off. The PA is louder than the fans, and it sounds like entertainment night at the old peoples home. Embarassing, and archaic.

Move on. Everyone else has, and the more you huddle together in your little red ball of self indulgence, the more despicable those neutrals who once respected you, think you are.

Third season in a row you wont qualify for the CL. Who's fault is that? Roy's I suppose.....

Brilliant post totman
Agree some of the comments about Hillsbrough are out of line to say the least. But from what I've read, Heysel was caused mainly by them.

I had a discussion at work with two Liverpool fans today, here's a few snippets from that conversation:

Liverpool fan: We always drop points to the lower teams, Norwich, Swansea, Spurs etc.
Me: Erm, were above you in the table.

Liverpool fan: You always park the bus against the top sides.
Me: You mean like we did when we beat you 4-0 in September? (btw they STILL insist the ref ruined the game and that's the only reason why we won)

Liverpool fan: Suarez did nothing wrong. What he said to Evra is acceptable in his country. If you went to Holland and smoked marijuana you wouldn't expect to get charged would you?
Me: If I did drugs IN THIS COUNTRY I would expect to be in trouble with the law.

Liverpool: So if your brother got accused of rape would you not stand by him?
Me: I'd support him but I wouldn't going round wearing t-shirts stating his innocence in public.

Everything I have written is true and none of it is made up!

I actually want Chelsea to finish in the top 4 ahead of Liverpool now.
Guys, I would give up, there is no cure for stupidity.

I had a Liverpool guy in work telling me today that Bellamy's kick to Walker was not even a free kick if the ref saw it. I stopped right there.
' Spurs are going to start dropping points, we're going to kick ourselves for not getting into a good enough position to challenge for that third spot.'

That's the kind of post i enjoy seeing, the thing i enjoy most about it is how clearly he reasons his point, giving a clear and valid argument why he perceives this to be the case.

Everyone is mentioning our 'hard run in', whilst in my view we have the easiest final 5, maybe even 8 games of the season compared to chelsea, liverpool, Saudi Sportswashing Machine and arsenal..
Dear Liverpool fans lurking here

When you won the CL the other year, I would say that most neutrals were behind you. You are a great club, historically, and alot of fans respected that, even if it was begrudgingly.

Today, that has changed. To be quite frank about it, you are despised.

Never in my life have I read so much filth, and bile from such a wide cross section of support, as I have from RAWK recently. It just beggars belief. You are your own worst enemy. Not the Media, or anyone else.

You are like a tight knit Free Mason society, who hates anything that is not you. You hate teams because they are now better than you. You hate players because they are better than your own. You hate managers, because they are better than Kenny Dalgliesh. You hate the Press because you are not in the limelight.

Ask yourselves why you should be? What have you done to deserve to be?

You spent 100M, yet you dont entertain...not even slightly. Please take a look at the table, because the last time I checked, there are six teams above you. Yet all of your players are much better, and you have a better manager.

Your "loyalty" is not admirable. Its disgusting. Its the stuff of the deranged, and the dilusional. Like a form of narcisissm. A sickness. You make me sick.

The so called legendary Kop sucking the ball into the net? Try singing something other than a pre arranged "Walk On" before kick off. The PA is louder than the fans, and it sounds like entertainment night at the old peoples home. Embarassing, and archaic.

Move on. Everyone else has, and the more you huddle together in your little red ball of self indulgence, the more despicable those neutrals who once respected you, think you are.

Third season in a row you wont qualify for the CL. Who's fault is that? Roy's I suppose....

May as well be I get blamed for just about everything else!!
Hard runs are overrated.

Everybody plays everybody.

Everybody does play everybody, but when it comes to the last 10 games of the season and you already have points in the bag it'll make a difference who you have already played and who you have left to play.