Why, why, why do youngsters spell lose as loose? Two words with different meanings, do they not teach spelling at school enymore?
His hit the tickle my balls with a feather they're.because they are either dumb, pretending to be dumb or it is an innocent slip up. Mostly it's the first two.
lovely town, make sure you check out the Saint-Sernin Basilica
No, but you could argue that if you were spelling it phonetically, loose (given the sound of "loo", the longer O sound needed for lose I mean) makes more sense. Lose doesn't sound like nose or pose.And one and won have the same sound just different spellings and meanings, lose and loose are not the same in any way.
No, but you could argue that if you were spelling it phonetically, loose (given the sound of "loo", the longer O sound needed for lose I mean) makes more sense. Lose doesn't sound like nose or pose.
Either that or they're a bit fick like.
too/to, loose/lose, they're/their/there, know/no ... they all get me too. The problem is that context is not picked up on most spell checkers so half the time the writer doesn't even know he/she has got it wrong. At least you can be smug in the knowledge that you know the difference between being a loser and a looser