Jack L. Jones
This site relies on advertising to help cover its costs and we have to follow Google's terms and conditions to be able to use Google Ads here.
We have recently been asked to remove some (partially) nude images from the site or risk having the adverts removed. No adverts would mean no GG, so we have had to comply.
We are going to have to strictly enforce the rules on the posting of nude images in any forum other than the Vice Den from now on.
Just to be clear, the images that we were asked to remove were pretty mild ( hxxp:// copy the link into your browser and replace the xx with tt if you want to see ), so we are asking you to urge on the side of caution.
We're going to update the site rules to make this clear but we are going to increase the number of infraction point for posting sexual images.
Hopefully everyone understands why we are doing this and moderates themselves and helping us out by reporting any such images they see.
We have recently been asked to remove some (partially) nude images from the site or risk having the adverts removed. No adverts would mean no GG, so we have had to comply.
We are going to have to strictly enforce the rules on the posting of nude images in any forum other than the Vice Den from now on.
Just to be clear, the images that we were asked to remove were pretty mild ( hxxp:// copy the link into your browser and replace the xx with tt if you want to see ), so we are asking you to urge on the side of caution.
We're going to update the site rules to make this clear but we are going to increase the number of infraction point for posting sexual images.
Hopefully everyone understands why we are doing this and moderates themselves and helping us out by reporting any such images they see.