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Archie Gray

Bergvall and Gray - that's what we like.
And the CB coming next season.

Also, can we just agree now that we'll spell his name wrong on a regular basis 😁
Just read Leeds' announcement.
Never seen a club state they are heartbroken to sell a player before. Of course there's a big eye on the PR towards their fans as they see one of their own leave but that shows the regard in which he was held.

Leeds forums saying he was forced out by the club. So might be to try and mitigate that.
Leeds forums saying he was forced out by the club. So might be to try and mitigate that.

They need the money, he's pure profit & they get a proven player for them (Rodon) that probably would have landed elsewhere.

In an ideal world I'm sure the club would have liked to keep him (bit of a legacy as multiple members of his family have played for Leeds), but that's not how it works.

Think (know?) fans often have completely unrealistic expectations of how things work.