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Search results

  1. Boonie

    Sh1t Holes

    LOL I didnt even realise who it was!
  2. Boonie

    World Chess Championship

    Sorry I don't speak English....
  3. Boonie

    Christian Eriksen

    Beast Goals is the beast! Thought it might be Sandro's Youtube channel
  4. Boonie

    Christian Eriksen

    His eyes are offside, His eyes are ofsi-i-ide Mezut Ozil His eyes are offside
  5. Boonie

    World Chess Championship

    Would rather watch this tbh....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWgg20IqibM
  6. Boonie

    Sh1t Holes

    Re: **** Holes Does that mean you do have a "going out tracksuit"?
  7. Boonie

    Jobs - **** Em

    Yeah? Well I had sex with your wife!
  8. Boonie

    Quitting Cigarettes

    I gave up with niccobrevin, found it worked really well. http://www.burstingwithhealth.co.uk/pack-info/nicobrevin.html
  9. Boonie

    Football Trivia Question of the Day

    Mark Schwarzer
  10. Boonie

    long undies for football

    Compression shorts http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mens-Heatgear-Ventilated-Compression-Shorts/dp/B000MVUCCI/ref=tag_stp_s2_edpp_url
  11. Boonie

    *** Official Video Game Thread ***

    It stops you playing downloaded games.
  12. Boonie

    Christian Eriksen

    He maes ozil look shlte
  13. Boonie

    1000 consecutive matches

    For life! However they will probably sue him for copyright infraction as that T shirt is never official merch!
  14. Boonie

    Forum Nazi's

    At the end of the day this is a moderated forum, if you don't like how it is done go elsewhere. Simple. Oh thats just my opinion btw.
  15. Boonie

    *** Official Video Game Thread ***

    Not going to buy any more consoles, PC all the way for me. I still have Black Ops sealed in the plastic for my PS3, I just use the bloody thing for netflix and the xbox for GTA.
  16. Boonie

    Random Spurs related pictures that make me feel nice

    My Boy's first game. Taking him tonight too
  17. Boonie

    *** Official Video Game Thread ***

    Dont listen to Ron, glass houses and all that. Its a good idea mate.
  18. Boonie

    *** Official Video Game Thread ***

    My PC wont run BF4 too well so I'm going to stick with BF3 for a while. If anyone wants to add me on battlelog my user name is thetecman.
  19. Boonie

    *** Official TV Thread ***

    If you are not hooked after the scene below then stop watching mate.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN5eYFH8HZ8
  20. Boonie

    *** Official Film Thread ***

    Watched The Conjuring last night, great horror film really gave me the willies! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k10ETZ41q5o