Ok, solved, it was accepting push notifications that allows the install option.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Is anyone else getting «to many redirects» error on Safari? It works just fine on chrome and my laptop , but not on Safari. Tried my wifes phone and it works on chrome there aswell but get the same message on Safari. I’ve tried clearing the cache but to no avail.
There needs to be a dark mode version of the skin, I believe. Then it will auto switch.I thought this version of xenforo supported dark mode? Is there some setting I've missed?
They don't the replacement is absolute.How do we get autocorrected curse words to capitalise correctly?
I'm all good with some ads to fund the server and stuff, but yeah, it's a tad to much now to put it mildly.What is the world, if not a space in which to be subjugated to adverts for brick you'll never buy that merely interrupt/ hinder the enjoyment of what you were trying to do.
I'm on Android and at times half of my screen when viewing the site is covered by floating adverts, it looks dogbrick.
Can we expect a premium glory glory membership where we have to pay monthly for the pleasure of not being irritated by mass marketing?
Out of view is the best locationYou might see a few for a while - trying to get the right locations
It’s fudging random ads tooI'm all good with some ads to fund the server and stuff, but yeah, it's a tad to much now to put it mildly.