Read it and decide for yourself.This another thing where a load of jumped up Spurs fans speak for the rest of us even if the majority don’t agree with what they are saying?
I read through it and broadly agree with most of the suggestions.
Read it and decide for yourself.
How many of our fans have the required understanding of large, international, corporate board environments required to not embarras themselves and also have the spare time to go and sit at these meetings?
I'm guessing the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
You don't? I'm disappointed.
How many of our fans have the required understanding of running their local football club, let alone Tottenham.How many of our fans have the required understanding of large, international, corporate board environments required to not embarras themselves and also have the spare time to go and sit at these meetings?
I'm guessing the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Interesting. I took these bits as the key pieces:It's absolute flimflam, summary
- The Trust welcomes fan representation from club
- Trust is again stepping into territory of game reform in country (NOTHING to do with Tottenham)
- The Trust demands accountability from the club on pretty much everything
what's missing
- Qualifications of representatives? any fudging value/skillset they will bring to the board, any minimum bar of expectation from representative (especially when so detailed about club expectation)
- Any part the fans/trust/representative plans to play in the clubs success (other than to effectively asking for a veto on things fans don't like)
This is why the trust needs to change their fudging name and mandate
- They are not a trust of tottenham hotspur (they don't give a fudge about the club)
- They are a fan representation body
p.s. (edit) and no comments allowed on their page to give feedback .. fudging classic, hold the club to standards you don't do.
Shortly summarised as "We want to waste lots of valuable time poking our noses into stuff that's none of our business.Interesting. I took these bits as the key pieces:
Under this arrangement, our proposal is for the agreement of the SB to be required for any decisions on a number of nominated issues. We are suggesting that the following issues should come under this initial list, but that the Club Executive Board or Supervisory Board should have the right to add issues if a majority vote of both Boards decides to do so.
The SB should also have the right to call an EGM or an AGM and to require full accounts to be laid before it.
- Name of the Club
- Location of the Club stadium
- Club colours and crest
- Competitions the Club plays in
- Location of competitive home games
- Sale of physical tangible assets such as stadium or training ground
- Changes to the Club’s articles of association or legal structure
- Dividend policy
- Strategic plan
We’d like to see the status and powers outlined above included in the Club’s articles of association, in the section detailing powers of Directors, so that the status of INEDs and the FD is established legally. The Club’s articles of association should also be revised to include and formally underpin the specific right of supporters to prior consultation. The positions created should be subject to rolling fixed terms, staggered to ensure continuity of service.
On the subject of eligibility for nomination as a NED, we do not think members of the current Board of THFC or members of the Board of THST should be eligible for nomination.
In your opinion perhaps. Personally think most of those things are important and we’d benefit from the majority owners not being able to make changes to those things without fan consultation/approval. I would’ve thought most fans of the club would share that view but there are some rather strange fans on this forum.Shortly summarised as "We want to waste lots of valuable time poking out noses into stuff that's none of our business.
If we had some fans of Levy's quality willing to give up their time, maybe. The significant majority of football fans are fudging idiots though - they clap and shout like departed seals every time we win a corner, FFS.In your opinion perhaps. Personally think most of those things are important and we’d benefit from the majority owners not being able to make changes to those things without fan consultation/approval. I would’ve thought most fans of the club would share that view but there are some rather strange fans on this forum.
If we had some fans of Levy's quality willing to give up their time, maybe. The significant majority of football fans are fudging idiots though - they clap and shout like departed seals every time we win a corner, FFS.
I shop at Waitrose more than I go to Spurs matches, I don't own any shares. People would (rightly) laugh their arses off if I stood in the middle of a store and called an EGM.
I'm sure the club was offering a ride along. The Trust (unsurprisingly) has decided that means the club wants them to actually have a say.This is all academic considering the club offered fan representation on the board and asked the Trust to come up with proposals.