Colin Calderwood
Hey all. You may know me from such forums as TFC, COYS and SC. Or not.
Fit like?
Pu on yer baffies and let's hiv a blether young loon.
Hey all. You may know me from such forums as TFC, COYS and SC. Or not.
Hi all.
Don't suppose there's anyone on who remembers me from around 2004ish? Used this site so much my work place banned it. Same user name I'm pretty sure. Anyone around still from that time?
This site has been through a few versions, last big reset was 2012 (why you will see a few of us with Jan 2012 start dates)
I remember 3 or 4, but senility is creeping in, so could be more than that.
2004-ish .. fudge were we all on dial up at that point?
Yeah their was a fewCheers lads. Think I remember the username Milo alright. Wasn't there a heavy collection of Nordic posters as well? Think I remember one funny fudger from up that way but let's face it it's been 2 decades so could well be misremembering
Wouldn't be far off it mate to be fair! Don't remember many of the threads but maybe 2, one where some kind lads on here helped me when I blagged a date with an absolute 10/10 and then another one where we came to the conclusion that Germany ended up with first women running the country as punishment for WW1&2. Bloody hell now I type it out I realise they were simpler times
Around the corner from O'Neill's some memory mate. No wasn't dazza5, should have sworn it was sidford back was a dark theme site when I was on it.You’re not Dazza5 are you, took her to O’Neils or something?
I can probably work your old handle out with a few questions, I have a memory for such things.
Do you own any red gloves?
Any strong feelings about QPR?
Ha ha very good!! Think it was purple back then. How come place got wiped over the years?It's still like that if @Danishfurniturelover DMs you
Broadband started to replace dial-up in the early 2000s, with half of all Internet users possessing a broadband connection by 20072004-ish .. fudge were we all on dial up at that point?
Is that held in Brighton?Been here since the 90s yid talk.
2 marriages, one child, couple of businesses. Started when I had just moved down to Brighton then moved out to Chichester, spent two seasons working in Tunisia. Back on the outskirts of Brighton.
Oh and one fcuking league cup in all that time.