Jack Jull
Pub restrictions then
Good - as long as those industries are looked after
Pub restrictions then
Interesting...can i ask:
1) How are such curfews enforced? Checkpoints? Drones? Satellite?
2) People working in those industries: are they given money by the local/federal government to offset people getting kicked out of their apartments, losing their houses, not being able to feed etc?
3) These increases in cases since July shown on the graph: do you have data or a similar graph for hospitalizations and deaths?
4) Lastly, why is Melbourne (and perhaps the state of Victoria in general) seeing such effects from coronavirus compared to the rest of Australia?
I'm not sure whatever NICE might or might not recommend or the safety (or not) of the covid vaccine matter, given what the government has been proposing in their recent consultation:
Why would the vaccine manufacturers be exempt from any Civil Liability in any cases where there were adverse effects if there would be confidence in its quality and safety? Would we in normal life be able to get away with driving with no insurance, let alone a car manufacturer be bailed out by any government if they were to sell cars that might or might not be faulty? (Nice work if you could get it though!)
Not to talk of other rules that are seemingly being proposed to be 'relaxed' when it come to who administers said vaccine, whether the vaccine has to be licensed etc.
That is for unlicensed vaccines. I didn't suggest taking one of them.
1) There's a number of things: There is a permit system and between 5am-8pm you must have a permit if you're working or on your way to work.
There's also checkpoints for entering regional areas, where police check your ID to see firstly if you're outside of the 5km radius and if you have a valid reason/permit
Anyone out between 8pm and 5am will be asked for their permit but most should be at home by then because supermarkets etc all close earlier to allow staff to get home.
Individual breaches of these rules have a $1652 fine. If you're at work without a permit it's a $9,913 for the company. If you are found to have lied to get a permit, it's an individual fine of $19,826 and $99,132 for companies.
There are police and army roaming the streets - I see them a lot. There are door knocks to confirm people with COVID are actually at home.
There's also a $200 fine if you're not wearing a mask in public (not just shops but even if you're just walking to the shops).
Some details on the fines given (from September 3)
2) As many of the essential workers are also some of the most vulnerable in terms of money and job security, there is a $450 payment if you have to miss work to get a COVID test, regardless of whether it's positive.
If you have been 'stood down' from work, you are eligible for a $1500 per fortnight payment. This is being reduced by around $300 very soon (if not already.) Essentially, the government pays your company, and the company pays you the salary. It depends on the individuals, sometimes the $1500 is the full payment, sometimes the employer will then cover the difference between your actual salary. This obviously assumes you cannot work and there's a number of criteria based on lost revenue for the company.
There's also new laws to prevent renters being evicted if they cannot afford rent. I'm not too sure how this works in reality.
3) This is where I got that graph from:
Loads of data there
4) We had some major fudge ups with hotel quarantine. What it came down to (I believe, there is an inquiry happening at the moment) was one security guard catching it from an inappropriate interaction with a COVID-confirmed person and taking that home to their family, who spread it to another family and so on. The hotel quarantine system had some major flaws, but I have no doubt other states in Australia had similar there is definitely an element of bad luck in just how bad it got here.
That is for unlicensed vaccines. I didn't suggest taking one of them.
So, we’re again being advised to stay at home to work (directly conflicting the advice given only two weeks ago).
We’re now told to get tests only if displaying symptoms (a fortnight ago everyone was being told to have one if they wanted one).
It doesn’t spread through schools, we were told. Now year groups and staff at hundreds (thousands? No one knows, as the figures are hidden) of barely functioning schools are isolating, and schools are crying out for tests. So the unions were right.
The app was going to be the vital ingredient and would be ready for May. We’re still waiting.
As in March, there are no tests in place at our airports and ports.
Eat out to help out - now it’s doors closed by 10pm.
Meanwhile, they tell us it’s the fault of ethnic groups; of young people; of us all, for following instructions to go back to our lives, and for then needing tests as a result.
Not once have they taken any responsibility for one f.uck up after another.
As a question
will everybody on here have the vaccine as soon as its out, not knowing whats in it or the possible long term side effects ??
Thanks for the reply and the details.
I have to say that sounds absolutely dystopian. I don't envy you guys down there; like many are saying the 'cures' seem to actually be worse than the virus itself....